ERB Firsts

1 Tarzan of the Apes 2 The Return of Tarzan 3 The Beasts of Tarzan 4 The Son of Tarzan
5 Tarzan & the Jewels of Opar 6 Jungle Tales of Tarzan 7 Tarzan the Untamed 8 Tarzan the Terrible
9 Tarzan & the Golden Lion 10 Tarzan and the Ant Men 11 The Tarzan Twins 12 Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle
13 Tarzan & the Lost Empire 14 Tarzan at the Earth's Core 15 Tarzan the Invincible 16 Tarzan Triumphant
17 Tarzan & the City of Gold 18 Tarzan & the Lion Man 19 Tarzan & the Leopard Men 20 Tarzan Twins with Jad-bal-Ja
21 Tarzan's Quest 22 Tarzan & the Forbidden City 23 Tarzan the Magnificent 24 Tarzan & the Foreign Legion
25 Tarzan & the Madman 26 Tarzan and the Castaways 27 Tarzan - The Lost Adventure

The Beasts of Tarzan



A.C. McClurg is printed on the spine. There are two variations in the color of the cloth boards, a forest green and an olive green. Priority has not been established as to which was printed first. A total of 19,500 copies of both variations were printed. Gold lettering is used on both the spine and cover.

J. Allen St. John illustrated the wrap-around dust jacket, frontispiece, title page and 38 small pen & ink drawings intermixed with the text throughout the book.

The photo to the right is of the "olive green" cover, and, the photo below is of the "forest green"cloth variation.

Above is a reproduction of the first edition dust jacket


A.L. Burt Reprint Editions

   From 1917 until 1927 A.L. Burt reprinted this title in a number of variations as shown above. The earliest printings have white lettering and the dust jacket is virtually the same as the first edition jacket; however "A.L. Burt" is printed on the spine. Later versions have black lettering on the covers and spine.
   A.L. Burt did not include the date of the printing so many a novice incorrectly assumes the book to be a first edition as the only date listed is the copyright date.

Grosset & Dunlap Reprint Editions

    From 1927 until 1943 Grosset & Dunlap reprinted this title in a number of variations with some of them shown above.  Mostly the colors of the books are some hue of red.   Grosset & Dunlap did not include the date of the printing so many a novice incorrectly assumes the book to be a first edition as the only date listed is the copyright date. The age of the book can often be approximated by examing the advertisements in the back of the book for other Edgar Rice Burroughs titles.

Last Auction Sale
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34.3 days
Total Books Sold
Last Updated:  1/1/2006
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Book without Dust Jacket
Book with Dust Jacket
NF, VG+ (DJ)
Note: Auction sales tracked for 3 years from 01/01/03 to 12/31/05. Only the A.C. McClurg 1st edition was tracked.